Everything starts with Academics. This is the answer we give students and families starting the college readiness path. When we say academics, we mean deeply understanding how academics works, learning the material, investing time to make good grades, and making the connection your learning habits will follow you to college.
According to Education Week.com, more than 4 in 5 high school seniors report feeling “very” or “mostly” academically prepared for college, according to a 2023 ACT nationwide survey. They’re not, say experts.
At PreCollege Solutions, we use the term "academic confidence", Academic confidence is the belief that you are smart and work towards academic success with confidence. An example "understand the college entrance exams such as the ACT and SAT, therefore you don't fear them". Walking into those tests with less anxiety and preparedness. Which one of the services, we also teach an academic advising workshop for students and parents to understand grades, study tips, college schedules, and more.
How do we get students academically prepared for college? Here are some best practices, we use at PreCollege Solutions.
1) Require student to meet with their high school counselor once a semester outside of schedule creation.
This helps students learn to talk to professionals about their academics.
2) Learn the grading systems and the lingo such as dual enrollment, credit recovery, advance placement courses, dual credit, etc.
This helps students know the value of their academics and time by making the right decision in classes and how it connects to college prep.
3) Invest in tutoring or test prep services.
This helps students learn how to ask for help and seek resources.
At PreCollege Solutions, we use the term "academic confidence", Academic confidence is the belief that you are smart and work towards academic success with confidence. An example "understand the college entrance exams such as the ACT and SAT, therefore you don't fear them". Walking into those tests with less anxiety and preparedness. Which one of the services, we also teach an academic advising workshop for students and parents to understand grades, study tips, college schedules, and more. Interested in our Academic Advising Workshop, contact us at info@precollegesolutions.