What is First Generation College Celebration? First-Generation College Celebration (FGCC) is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of the first-generation college student identity by advancing an asset-based, national narrative of these students’ experiences and outcomes.
The Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and the Center for First-generation Student Success launched the inaugural celebration in 2017, hundreds of higher education institutions, corporations, non-profits, and K-12 schools have joined together in recognizing the achievements of the first-gen community on and around November 8.
PreCollege Solutions is celebrating in a BIG Way!
1) Conducting a FREE College Prep Workshop in our CEO's hometown of Vivian, Louisiana on Saturday, November 4, 2023.
2) We are sending care packets to 25 First-Generation College Students in November.
3) We will be highlighting First-Generation College Graduates on our social media platforms in November.
How can you join in all of the FUN?
1) Reach out to a college student and send them so love, not matter if they are first-generation or not.
2) Become a mentor to a high school or college student.
3) Donate professional clothes to a high school or college.
4) Share your experience as a first-generation college student, if you are one.
5) Host a letter-writing campaign to remind state legislators, boards of trustees and state higher education agencies of the needs of first-generation college students.
6) Donate to programs such as TRIO Upward Bound, Education Talent Search, McNair, or Student Support Services. These programs are the leaders in college access and success for first-generation students.
We are looking for sponsors, contact us at info@precollegesolutions.com.