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5 Ways to Celebrate Dr. Martin King Jr. Day Besides A Parade

Last week, we were chatting with a college student at one of our partner organizations. I asked him "What was your favorite Dr. King quote?"

He said "I have a dream."

I said "Yes, but that is speech title also. What's your favorite part of the speech?"


He said "I don't really know too much about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

These lead me to give him a trivia quiz about Dr. King. He could answer not one question. Not even the name of his wife. In shocked, I explained to him that Dr. King is the only African American with a federal holiday, Dr. King is one our nation's greatest civil rights leader. Dr. King is a Noble Peace Prize winner and etc. Then I immediately printed a copy our Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia and Famous Quotes handouts and made him complete it. After he was completed it, he said he was embarrassed to say he didn't know anything about Dr. King because he knows he is important person in our county, no one taught him about this life.

As I have pondered on that last week, I know the annual Dr. King parades and banquets are important, but we need to get back to making sure the next generation understands and appreciates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Here is a short list of five ways to celebrate Dr. King Luther King Jr.

1. Watch the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Autobiography Movie such as King in the Wilderness or Selma. Learn more about what made Dr. King’s legendary on youtube.

2. Volunteer: Serve your community. If you are in the Dallas\Fort Worth area, Email us at for a volunteer opportunity on January 15, 2024.

3. Use your social media platform to tell more people about Dr. King and his work. One suggestion is posting one of his famous quotes. Then explain why it is your favorite and what does that quote mean to you.

4. Host a Dr. King trivia game with your friends, family, loved ones to test their knowledge on Dr. King. And we have the perfect questions. Visit

5. Read his books. Dr. King wrote several books and read them to learn more about his legacy. Letter from Birmingham, Strides Towards Freedom, Strength of Love, and much more.

Every year PreCollege Solutions host a virtual service program. If you are interested in participating, contact us at

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